The work of Give Us Wings is made possible by many generous donors. We offer our heartfelt gratitude to the individuals and institutions below who enable us to support our partners in Uganda. Thank you!

Chairperson, Atieno Grace and some members of the Kirinya Beemasters Cooperative

Family to Family logo

Participants in the Family to Family program sponsor a family in Uganda for one year, covering the cost of boarding school for one child, health insurance at St. John's Kayoro Health Center for the family, and multiple educational forums for all ages. Learn more about being a Family to Family sponsor HERE.

Ascension Episcopal Church - Stillwater
Lisa Anderson
Peter Baillon
Robert Baumann
Camilla and Rob Beattie
Mary Borndale
Bill Boulger and Marsha Huha
Emilie Britton and Bill Norman
Kathy and Martin Brown
John and Jane Cacich
Arlene Craker
Ingrid Culp
Becky Davis
Patricia Durst
Ann Eilbracht Thompson
Ashley and James Ervin
James and Eliza Ervin
Cathleen Fitzgerald
Kristine Fladeboe Duininck
Anjie and Jason Flowers
Katie Gabriel
Thomas Golding
Matt and Kris Hall
David and Alison Hedlund
Lynn Hertz
Miriam Hobart
Ann Hobbie and Jeff Benjamin
Eric and Katie Husband
Jane Ingenhutt
Vicki Janisch-Tri and Gerald Tri
Elizabeth Jennings
Janet and Shawn Johanson

Ruth Johnson
Bo and Melissa Johnston
Raymond Kappers
Lynda Kauls
William and Patricia Kelly
Alix Kendall
George and Jennifer Kinkead
John Kinkead
Andrea Kisch and John Nemec
Mary Klauda
Anneke Krall
Jill Krasuski
Edward Kruszka
Jill Lawrence
John and Lyn Lawyer
Don Leuthard
Barbara Lindeke
Linda Lindeke
Liz Lindeke
Bob and Emily Linehan
Jon and Eliza Lundberg
Susan MacIntosh
Barbara and Patrick Mahr
Mary Mairs
Tatum Marinkovich
Jeannine Marquez
Christina and James Massee
Mary McGreevy and Ernest Grumbles
Ellen and John McVay
Allison McVay-Steer and Ceri Steer
Cassidy Meeks
Timothy and Geraldine Moore
Michele and James Morrison
Karen Mosso

Maria and John Nolte
Julie Pallow
Ruth A Pallow
Charlane Pehoski and Merrily Pehoski
Kristin Peterson and Scott Antin
Cara and Thomas Peterson
Raj and Marie Pillai
Chirag Randeria
Felicity Riley
Pam and David Rochlin
Shirley Sailors
Deborah Saul
Michael and Christine Scanlan
Lea Anne and Patrick Schmidt
Michael Schreier
Matthew and Angie Sherwood
Stephanie Sommer and Stephen Spencer
Pompey Stafford
Diane Stoiber
Kristine and Scott Swenson
Christopher Thompson
David Thompson
Joel Thompson
John and Nina Tuttle
Mary Jane Wander
Jered and Erin Weber-Johnson
James and Mary Ann Weingartner
Donald and Holly Weinkauf
Marleen Williams
Amy Winkel
Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner

Donors who make recurring gifts at regular intervals are our Partners in Hope. They support the operational work needed to keep our programs running. Become a Partner in Hope HERE.

Ben and Therese Anderson
Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Kari Antin
Anne Bailey
Peter Baillon
Brad Betlach and Peter Carlson
Emilie Britton
Neal and Mary Cannon
Craig and Betsy Davies
Ann Eilbracht Thompson

Anne and Thomas Hauth
Holly Hearon
Ann Hobbie and Jeff Benjamin
Erin Kelly
Mary Klauda
Kimberly Kokett
Anna Kudak
Sean and Beth Lacy
Kande Larson

Michele Madigan
Barbara and Patrick Mahr
Kristin Peterson and Scott Antin
Patty Byrne Pfalz
Karen Rivo
Ryan and Christine Sexton
Kirk Sherburne
Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner
Kristi and Richard Yore

Annual Fund

Many thanks to the following people who made a contribution between January 1, 2023 and May 22, 2024.


Ascension Episcopal Church
Todd and Jean Adams
Bonita Addison
Jeanne and Rankin Ahlm
Owen Akeley
Susan Akeley
Cynthia and David Albright
Julie Andberg and Tom Fairbanks
Alyssa Anderson
Anna Anderson
Ben and Therese Anderson
Jody Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Mary Elizabeth Anderson
Rolf and Laurie Anderson
Kari Antin
Rick Antin
Paul Atchison
Amy Ault-Marret and Franck Marret
Molly Bachman
Ann Bailey
Peter Baillon
Kimberly Bajorek
Richard Balderrama
Lauren Barone
Robert Baumann
Camilla and Rob Beattie
Paul Bees
Jay and Ann Behnken
Sarah Bell
Jamie Bents
Elizabeth Berardo
Brad Betlach and Peter Carlson
Ethel Beuch
Travis Bezella
Jeremy Bikah
Kullen and Jeanne Birkeland
Michael Bisping and Kim Havey
Jana Bledsoe
Colleen Bohlinger
George and Char Bonniwell
Robert Booker and Nicole Pineda-Booker
Mary Borndale
Jeffrey and Michele Boston
Bill Boulger and Marsha Huha
William Boulger
Brian Bovee
Katie Bowman
Philip Bradley and Janice Frankman
Ali Britton and John Harned
Emilie Britton
Jeff Brockmann and Shane Swanson
Brie and Nick Brown
Kathy and Martin Brown
Chelsea Buerman
Jayne and Randall Buerman
Milton and Paulette Bullock
Jane and John Cacich
Neal and Mary Cannon
Jay and Kristen Carlson
Matthew Carlson
Tom and Candy Carlson
Michael Cassidy
Patrick and Mary Cavanagh
Cesidio Cellucci
Lindsey and Manuel Chavez
Church of St. Joan of Arc
Eric Clark
Todd Coate and Jeffrey Flake
Debra Cohen
Brian and Christine Comeau
Sidney and Allison Condit
Karen Conrath
Rae Cornelius
Christine Cossette
Rory Cowling
Arlene Craker
Chris and Gretchen Cudak
Ingrid Culp
Matt Damon
Betsy and Craig Davies
Joan Davies
Becky Davis
Pat Davis
Jackie DeCarlo and Kristen Moe
Margot DeFerranti
Angele Guillaume and Sandra Denault
Anthony and Nina DiAngelis
Roger and Rosemary Dickhausen
Joyce Dornbier
Randy and Paula Doroff
John and Daniella Dosch
Thomas and Phyllis Dosch
Patricia Durst
David Eckman
David Thompson and Ann Eilbracht Thompson
Emanga Ekinde
Ann Ekstrum
Ann Elenbaas
Frank Elliott
John and Angela Erickson
Ashley and James Ervin
James and Eliza Ervin
Elizabeth Fabel
Phil and Kim Face
Cathy Fairbairn
Sheila Fearing
Glenn Fee
Kevin Fennelly
Lola Ferguson
Denise Fitch

Cathleen Fitzgerald
Kristine Fladeboe Duininck
Katherine Flannery and Lill Hieland
Abby Fletcher
Anjie and Jason Flowers
Nancy Fogelberg
Cindi Foster
Marci Franzen
Wendy Freshman
Phyllis Frisby
Michelle Fritz
Katie Gabriel
Zoe Gadgil
Lane Gans
Monica Garcia
Jay and Marcy Gast
Charles Gauck
Sherri Gebert Fuller and Wayne Fuller
Perry George
Wendy Gillespie
Angela and Kevin Gilligan
Pamela Glenn
Michelle Glood
Thomas Golding
Lori Grant
Hannah Grunewald Noeldner
Angele Guillaume and Sandra Denault
Jenny Guldseth
Dan Gustafson
Jerod Gustafson and Erin Liv Gustafson
Jeffrey and Gena Gutzmann
Carl and Kathryn Haave
Laura and Chris Hage-Witkowski
Matt Haglund
Matt and Kris Hall
Thomas Halpern
Mary Hanson
Jeanne Harding
Robin and John Harned
Kurt Harries
Michelle Harris
Jodi Haugen
Anne and Tom Hauth
Kelly Hea
Holly Hearon
David and Allison Hedlund
Arlene Helvig
James and Pat Hemak
Lynn Hertz
Lisa and James Heyman
Mark Hiemenz
Barbara Higgins
Sandra Hitch
Miriam Hobart
Ann Hobbie and Jeff Benjamin
Angela Hoikei
Susan Hooge
Jim Horn
Melissa Hornung
Marcus Hubers
Karen Hudoba
Louise Huff
Eric and Katie Husband
Janet Indrehus
Jane Ingenhutt
Jesse Izquierdo
Vicki Janisch-Tri and Gerald Tri
Elizabeth Jennings
Eric Jensen and Joel Hoekstra
Janet and Shawn Johanson
Judy Johanson
Joseph Johnson
Jennifer and Todd Johnson
Bo and Melissa Johnston
Jane Johnston
Barb and Dave Kaminski
Paul Kaminski and Rich Bonin
Raymond Kappers
Lynda Kauls
Erin Kelly
Renee Van Gorp and Julia Kelly
William and Patricia Kelly
Alix Kendall
Christine Kiesling
George and Jennifer Kinkead
John Kinkead
Andrea Kisch and John Nemec
Christine Klauda and Gerard Chelak
Mary Klauda
Michael and Elizabeth Klauda
Kasey Klein
Sarah Kluck
Amy Knight
Katharine and Joseph Knudtson
Kimberly Kokett
Anneke Krall
Jill Krasuski
Jean Kreykes
Kari Krogstad
Gene and Jan Kruchoski
Edward Kruszka
Anna Kudak
Rachelle Kyle
Sean and Beth Lacy
Jill LaLonde
Wendy Lane
Karen and John Larsen
Chris and Lyn Larson
Kande Larson
Marjorie Lausen
Jill Lawrence
Norma Lawson

John and Lyn Lawyer
Walter Lehmann and Sylvia Strobel
Don Leuthard
Katherine Lewis
Lorelei Libra
Michael and Ann Lichty
Wanda Lickteig
Aaron Lindberg
Grace Lindberg
Barbara Lindeke
Elizabeth Lindeke
Linda Lindeke
Mary Linden
Marvin and Marcia Lindseth
John Linehan
Bob and Emily Linehan
Mistyann Loetterle
David and Margaret Lucas
Eliza and John Lundberg
Wade Luneburg
Diane Lustig
Robert and Marilyn Maas
Susan MacIntosh
Michele Madigan
Barbara and Patrick Mahr
Mary Mairs
Kathleen Maleck
Robert Mansfield
Scott Marquardt
Jeannine L. Strand Marquez
Dana Marti
Heather Marx
Christina and James Massee
Kevin Max
Paul McCollum
William and Delores McDonald
Katherine McGill
Mary McGreevy and Ernest Grumbles
Rosemary McMonigal
Ellen and John McVay
Allison McVay-Steer and Ceri Steer
Mary and Bill Mease
Paul Meekin
Cassidy Meeks
Joan Mefford
Rosemary (R.L.) Meier
Kathy and Ron Meinhardt
Elizabeth Menninga
Elizabeth and Charlie Mercier
June Messer
Patti Michurski
Judi Micoley
Brian Miller
Tom Moberg
Steve Modrow
Michelle Moll
Rebekah Montgomery
Timothy and Geraldine Moore
Derek More
Rebecca Morris
Michele and James Morrison
Karen Mosso
Carolyn Munson-Benson
Michael Murphy
Donald and Paula Muske
Anita Namanya
Laurie Neff
Andrea Nelsen
Steve and Kim Nguyen
Diane and Bruce Nimmer
Maria and John Nolte
Jen Norman
Brad Norton and Katie Freeman
James Norwood
Billie Novotny
Deborah Nysather
Jon Nysse
Richard and Lynn Nysse
Julia O'Brien
Valerie O'Keefe
Sarah Odde Lynch
Margaret Olsen
Wendy Olson
Marissa Onheiber
Beverly Padget
Jessica Padget
Marge and Bob Page
Julie Pallow and Larry Sluciak
Linda Pallow
Ruth Pallow and Amy Winkel
Margaret Paschall
Dishil Patel
Meghna Patel
Vaishali Patel and Kevin Fennelly
Tressa and Jeff Patrias
Martina Peacock
Charlane Pehoski
Merrily Pehoski
Cara and Thomas Peterson
Jessica and Jason Peterson
Kristin Peterson and Scott Antin
Rozanne Peterson
Stephen Peterson
Patricia Byrne Pfalz
Sandra Picano O'Sullivan
Chris Pidel
Tracie Stanton and Dominique Pierre-Toussaint
Judith Pilgram
Raj and Marie Pillai
Pompey Stafford
Michael Ponto
Neal Porter

Catherine Powell
Rebekah Powers
Tom Randall
Chirag Randeria
Doris M. Rausch
David Ray
Mindy Reid
Michelle Renaud
Tatum Rezin
Steven Rice
Kassie Ricke
Kari Rihm
Felicity Riley
Burt Riskedahl
Karen Rivo
Jill and Jason Robinson
Mark and Holly Robinson
Valerie Roby
Pam and David Rochlin
Casi Roethler
Lynn Royce
Kathleen Russo
Dan Rutman
Richard and Lynne Sachse
Shirley Sailors
Steven Salmi
Kelly Salutz
Deborah Saul
Michael and Christine Scanlan
Patricia Schmid
Lea Anne and Patrick Schmidt
Michael Schreier
Patricia Schreier
Melissa Schueler
Cindy Schultz
Sheila Schultz
Kyle Schwarz
Ryan Schwarz
Jane and Jim Scullin
Ryan and Christine Sexton
Tariq Sheikh
Kirk Sherburne
Matthew and Angie Sherwood
David Slain
Julie Pallow and Larry Sluciak
Diana and Jay Smith
Regina Smith
Cynthia Snell
Stephanie Sommer and Stephen Spencer
Mark Sommers
Jordan Sramek
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
St. Michael's Lutheran Church
Melissa Stachovich
Gwen Stanley
John Stefany and Dave Odenbach
Gail Stoer
Natalie Stoer and Michael Garr
Diane Stoiber
Laurel Stokke
Jim Stolz and Michael Graham
Linda and Phil Stringer
Kathy and Joe Sturm
John Sullivan
Nancy Sullivan
Yee-Ling Supik
Elisabeth Swanson
Theresa Swanson
John Sweet and Erik Brendtro
Kristine and Scott Swenson
Ming Tan
Lorraine Teel
Teresa Tennis
Sandra Terry
Christopher Thompson
David Thompson and Ann Eilbracht Thompson
Jeanie Thompson
Joel Thompson
John and Jean Tuohy
John and Nina Tuttle
University Lutheran Church of Hope
Chris van Gorkom
Renee Van Gorp and Julia Kelly
MaryAnn Veneziano
Bill Venne and Doug Kline
Joan Vilter
Chris Vinsonhaler
Daniel Vogel
Daniel and Mary Volker
Susan Von Mosch
Mary Jane Wander
Madeline and Fred Washburn
Jered and Erin Weber-Johnson
James and Mary Ann Weingartner
Donald and Holly Weinkauf
Susan Weislow
Kathy and Stephen Wellington
Lori Westrum
Max Wiessner
Marleen Williams
Abbie and Richard Willits
Ruth Pallow and Amy Winkel
Patricia Winkels
Jerry Woelfel and Becky Garthofner
Girma and Amy Wolde-Michael
Doug and Sara Wolff
Matthew Wolff
Daniel Wrigley & Emily Beckstrom
Kristi and Richard Yore
Katherine Youngblood
Kyle Zemlicka
Kathleen Zieman
Tamara Zurakowski

Foundation and Corporate Support

Belton Family Foundation
Best Buy
BlueStem Wealth Partners
Mary Alphonse Bradley Fund
EJM Jets
JELLA World Artists Collections
Lifelong Wealth Advisors, Inc.
PBJ Memorial Fund
Raymond Avenue Co-op
Tomberg Family Philanthropies

Matching Gifts made by

Best Buy
Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN
The Boston Consulting Group
GBX Associates
General Electric
JAMF Software Foundation
Marsh and McLennan Companies
Mutual of America
UnitedHealth Group
US Bank
Wells Fargo

Give Us Wings makes every attempt to keep its donor information accurate and up to date. If you believe an error has been made, please contact Executive Director Peter Carlson at or 651.789.5606.