Pamela and her family live in the Bison slums in Tororo, Uganda. In an 8’x9’ room, the family of 7 sleeps on the mattress on the floor. There is no electricity or running water, and there are mosquitoes and rodents. Pamela is part of the Hera Women’s Group, made up of women who fled the horrors of war and famine in northern Uganda. Give Us Wings has worked with this group to provide training in literacy, leadership, conflict resolution, loans and grants for businesses, and successful parenting. Many of the women have started their own businesses and now have access to healthcare.
Pamela is a skilled seamstress and a respected quiet leader in her community. Pamela’s daughter, Stacy Patricia, is sponsored through the Family to Family Program. She is in 4th grade and is able to study at a local prestigious boarding school called Mama Junior.
I pray that the seed you have sown in my daughter’s life may germinate and may harvest mightily