Fall 2016

Electricity has Arrived in Nyaoga, Kenya! This is a life-saving development for this community!

With a grant from the Mary Alphonse Bradley Fund, Give Us Wings had all four buildings in the Nyaoga compound wired for electricity. Electricity in the Nyaoga Community Dispensary means that the vaccines and medicines can be stored safely, expectant mothers can deliver in the clinic at night and medical emergencies can be treated in well-lit examination rooms!

the-expectant-mothers-very-excited-to-see-the-improvements-in-the-delivery-room delivery-coaches-already-put-in-the-delivery-room the-new-laboratory-already-put-into-usenewly-constructed-waiting-bay-at-ncd

Grant money is also being used to make other improvements to the two clinic buildings. Ceiling boards have been installed which will improve the cleanliness of the clinic rooms. A new tile floor has been laid throughout the maternity ward making it easier to maintain a clean environment. A new, enlarged laboratory is also being constructed making it possible to conduct more HIV testing and other medical tests.

In fact, it’s so busy at the Nyaoga Community Dispensary that the clinic staff decided to have a new, shaded waiting area constructed outside the clinic to accommodate their growing number of patients.

Having electricity in the Lake Victoria Young Women’s Academy means that staff can start offering adult education courses in the evening and classes in basic computer skills.

Mary Alphonse Bradley funds are also being used to make renovations to the school building, and purchase desks, chairs, text books and supplies for The Lake Victoria Young Women’s Academy.

b7573fe0-5268-498c-b4d3-16708e34676eThe school was established for young women who were forced to leave school before completing their primary education. Today 12 young women are enrolled in the school and 25 women are on the waiting list. We are working to increase the capacity of the school so that by the beginning of 2017 we can enroll 40 young women in the primary education program.

Check out Give Us Wings’ Fall Newsletter


Keep Reading!  Other articles in the Fall Newsletter include:

  • St. John’s Kayoro Health Center: Community Health Insurance  Program & New Sanitation Facilities
  • Entrepreneurship & Education Story
  • Welcome to Steven Ikuya, the New Give Us Wings Kenya Program Support Officer
  • Give Us Wings USA Supporters Raise Money for Girls’ and Women’s Education in Kenya and Uganda
  • Upcoming Events!

Check out Give Us Wings’ Fall Newsletter